A legal challenge from Pathways / Shincheonji NZ (and our response)

Here at “What is Shincheonji NZ”, we believe that all Kiwis should have a fair go when it comes to discovering what the Bible says about the deep issues of life. It’s why for the past few years, we’ve helped people like Laura and others tell their story about their experience with Shincheonji (SCJ) in New Zealand. This …

A legal challenge from Pathways / Shincheonji NZ (and our response) Read More »

And behold, “wise men” from the east came to church…

Over the weekend, we’ve received multiple reports from church pastors in Auckland that Shincheonji members visited their Christmas services and attempted to invite unsuspecting worshippers to join their deceptive studies. Amid the joy and celebration of Jesus’s birth as the Saviour of the world, Shincheonji members like “Dennis” and “Cecilia” (who don’t believe Jesus’s birth …

And behold, “wise men” from the east came to church… Read More »

News report: How Shincheonji spread in New Zealand and beyond

Last week, Christianity Today (CT) published the following article: https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2023/december-web-only/shincheonji-new-zealand-korea-christian-church.html?share=O6RtELHsGGLv2VSs9Y094g22ZC2QPHnM The article details how Shincheonji (New Heaven and Earth) successfully infiltrated traditional churches and campus ministries in New Zealand from 2015 to today, using deceptive practices and heretical beliefs to recruit Kiwis into their high-control cult. CT tracked Shincheonji’s spread in New Zealand over the …

News report: How Shincheonji spread in New Zealand and beyond Read More »

Return to old methods: New Shincheonji front group in NZ – Cornerstone Ministries

Before you sign up to any Bible course:1. Be mindful of sharing your personal details with people you have just met.2. If asked to join a Bible Study / Cell Group / Bible Class, always ask which church it is connected to and follow up with that church.3. If offered to meet with a mentor …

Return to old methods: New Shincheonji front group in NZ – Cornerstone Ministries Read More »

Examining Shincheonji’s Understanding of the Trinity

Over the course of history, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity has faced persistent challenges and misunderstandings from various cults, fringe denominations, and religious groups. Misguided attempts at defending the Trinity often occur when people don’t fully comprehend the doctrine of the Trinity, and how to defend it. These attempts often involve metaphors to do …

Examining Shincheonji’s Understanding of the Trinity Read More »

Examining the Biblical Basis of Shincheonji’s Doctrine on Lying (or “Wisdom”)

Why do Shincheonji members believe it’s OK to lie or deceive others when recruiting? A former member explains. When answering this question, it is important to understand what Shincheonji (SCJ) teaches about this, the methods which they use, and how they justify this. We will have a look at some of the scriptures SCJ uses …

Examining the Biblical Basis of Shincheonji’s Doctrine on Lying (or “Wisdom”) Read More »

Josh’s Story

I was in an echo chamber. Josh, Shincheonji Auckland member My story starts when I ran into an old friend at university, we had not seen each other since high school. I was at a stage in my life where I had been a follower of Christ for a while and was looking to move …

Josh’s Story Read More »

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